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European Metals, completion of drilling programme at Cinovec Czech Republic

European Metals has announced that it has now completed 17 drill-holes totalling 6081 metres at Cinovec. The programme is “planned to confirm and delineate near surface lithium and tin mineralisation that would provide initial feed to the mill…the conversion of resources from the Inferred to Indicated category, and delivery of material for metallurgical testing”.

The company reports assay results from the latest two holes while results from a further 5 holes are “expected to be delivered by the end of January.”

Hole CIW-23, located in the central part of the Cinovec Main mineralisation intersected 261.1m at an average grade of 0.50% Li2O, described as “the best lithium interval to date”, while hole CIW -10, on the western edge of the mineralisation intersected 223.9m at an average grade of 0.43% Li2O. “Between 116 and 119 the drill intersected a historic backfilled stope after mining high grade tin-tungsten quartz veins in the 1960’s.”

Hole CIW-10 was drilled at an angle of 75⁰ towards the west and intersected the contact between barren porphyry and mineralised granite, containing between 5% to 15% of the lithium mica mineral zinnwaldite, at a depth of 213m.

The company comments that “When all the results are received, we will upgrade the block model and finalise the resource estimate for the Pre-feasibility study. We expect further conversion of inferred to indicated resources to occur as part of this re-modelling.”

European Metals has also announced the appointment of a mining engineer, Mr Richard Pavlik as General Manager of the company’s Czech subsidiary , Geomet s.r.o. Mr Pavlik has “almost 30 years of relevant industry experience in the Czech Republic” including a role as “Chief Project Manager and Advisor to the Chief Executive” of the major Czech coal producer OKD.

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