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Nortec Minerals to commence drilling on its Lithium Tammela Project, Finland

NORTEC MINERALS CORP. is pleased to announce that Joint Venture earn-in partner, Avalon Minerals of Milton, QLD, Australia, is initiating a 3000 metre diamond drilling program on the Kietyonmaki Lithium Prospect, Tammela Project, located in Southern Finland.

The highlights are as follows:

-Drilling set to commence on the high grade Kietyonmaki Lithium Project in Finland, scheduled for the second half of August.
-Drilling will follow-up prior detailed exploration work of the Geological Survey of Finland (GTK), which reported a number of high grade intersections from shallow drilling, including:
-12.9m @ 1.83% Li2O within 23M @ 1.53% Li2O, drill hole R307-9m @ 2.2% Li2O within 24m @ 1.3% Li2O ,drill hole R310-1m @ 3.9% Li2O within 13m @ 1.66% Li2O, drill hole R316-High value of 3m @ 4.35% Li2O…
-Field work is already in progress over the project area and data compilation of historical results is continuing.
-Data compilation and field review is also in progress over the Riukka and Satulinmaki gold zones.
Tammela Minerals Oy, the wholly owned subsidiary of Nortec, controls 100% interest in the Somero 1 to 12 and Tammela 1 to 3 claims comprising the Tammela Project. The property hosts the Kietyonmaki Lithium prospect and the Riukka and Satulinmaki gold zones. Avalon has also submitted applications for two Exploration Reservations over an area of 117 km2 around the Somero and Tammela claims. These reservations form part of the Joint Venture with Avalon.

Avalon announced the signing of a drilling contract with Finnish drilling contractor, Kati Drilling, to complete approximately 3,000m of diamond drilling on the Kietyonmaki zone. Approximately 17 holes will be completed, and will test a strike extent of 250m and a depth extent of 250m below surface. The planned drill hole locations with the geology are shown in the figure below.

Drill equipment will be mobilized to the site during the second week of August and drilling is expected to start during the second half of August. Plans for logging and sampling of core have been prepared and accredited laboratories in Sweden and Finland are being assessed for analysis. Initial core assay results are expected to be received in late September. The drilling will allow Avalon to estimate a initial Mineral Resource towards the end of 2016. Drill samples will also allow for preliminary metallurgical test work to be completed in late 2016.

Access to the drill site requires minimal logistical planning as it is located in a timbered area adjacent to farmland and supported by a good road network and local towns.

source: juniorminingnetwork.com

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