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Romania: Gazprom NIS Announces Continuation of Explorations in Timis County

Serbian company NIS Petrol, a branch of the Russian Gazprom, has announced the continuation of exploration operations on the perimeter EX-7 Periam in Timiš County.

The gathering of 3D seismic data had been initiated at the end of 2014 in two blocks, EX-7 Periam and EX-8 Biled, and in March last year, seismic data was collected within an area of 306 square kilometers.

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In order to complete the seismic survey within the perimeter EX-7, NIS Petrol will continue the work within an area of around 150 square kilometers in the zone where the company has signed agreements with land owners, it is written in the company’s statement.

By gathering this data, 78% of the overall program carried out by NIS Petrol will be covered. The conclusion of operations within the remaining area depends on whether the rights that the company has in accordance with law will be achieved by agreement.

The program includes two main phases of operations. The first phase includes the gathering of seismic data within an area of 580 square kilometers and the drilling of three exploration wells within each perimeter with the aim of identifying oil and gas reserves.

The seismic data collected in this phase has been submitted for analysis and the suggestions for exploration drillings in the following period will be formed on the basis of this data.

The company NIS carries out explorations and production activities in Serbia, Romania, Hungary and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Source: Serbia-energy.eu

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