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Serbia Copper company Bor, with the tunnel reconstruction in Majdanpek to new ore deposits

The tunnel and transport system reconstruction began for overburden transmission from deposit Juzni revir in the copper mine Majdanpek, which should be completed by the end of February.

It will, say in a copper mine, bring huge savings, because overburden, namely tailing is transported by trucks now. This conveyor belt was operational fifteen years ago when a fire burned down a belt and destroyed a concrete layer in the tunnel. In order to reconstruct it, workers of “Jama” in Bor were hired, who have worked in the tunnel by the end of January.

– This system is the lifeblood of the Copper Mine Majdanpek and its reconstruction is the most important part of the plans implementation outlined us with Business plan of MSB Bor in 2021st. This is certainly the most important investment in CMM in 2014th – told Director of Copper Mine Majdanpek, Branislav Tomic, for Tanjug.

He added that even more important was that the works price, in relation to the original plan, would be much lower because their employees were engaged in agreement with the Bor copper mine to complete the job as soon as possible.

Tomic said that job originally should cost 578.903MEUR and take three month, but the workers hiring from Jama, this amount was reduced to 86.403MEUR, and it is expected works to be completed by the end of February.

– Great savings will be realized in the transport, because we transport overburden by trucks now. Removal of large amounts of overburden from Juzni revir is in front of us, and this system should export 60 to 70 million tons of overburden to the disposal site Ujevac in the next two years – said Tomic.

Headman of the Drive “Jama” in MSB Bor, Zivoslav Ljubisavljevic, speaking of the works on the tunnel said that its total length was 860 meters.

– We skid concrete that is destroyed, inflict new and make the surface “step” to the transport system. The cold was a problem until yesterday, because the temperature frequently dropped below minus twenty, and did not exceed minus 12 degrees. However, we managed to complete much of the work – he said.

Workers in machining service of Copper Mine Majdanpek also work on reconstruction of the transport system, which have not been in use since 2000th.

– We repaired part of the mechanical equipment called articles feeders. We expect to complete our part of the job by end of the month, when also the tunnel will be finished, and then we begin the conveyor belt setting up – said chief engineer for investment in CMM, Dusan Perovic.

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