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UK Mineco Group advances its Bosnia, Olovo lead mine commissioning with environment permit

UK based mining company Mineco Group was granted an important environment permit for its Olovo lead mine development. Mineco Group is one of the biggest investor in Bosnia, also operating 2 lead zinc mines in neighboring Serbia with no environment or community issues recorded by local and regional mining environment monitoring network MiningWatchSEE.

Olovo lead mine has been issued with its Environmental Licence by relevant Minister for Environment.

The environment permit was the final validation of a year-long study to establish the environment friendly “base” conditions around the mine site. Mineco release transmits that this environment standards will be used as benchmark for all future mining operations.  The final stage of the process involved a public consultation in which the local community were invited to review the plans and have any concerns addressed.

Mineco engaged and included the wide circle of stakeholders, the environments and communities in direct dialogue. The issuance of the licence, in complete coordination with the local population and the Municipality of Olovo stands as testament to this commitment concluded Mineco notice.

Olovo mine, located 40kms north of Sarajevo will be commissioned in the summer of 2016 and at full operating capacity with process 150,000 tonnes of ore annually and employ over 200 people.

Mineco Group is one of the biggest investor in Bosnia, also operating 2 lead zinc mines in neighboring Serbia with no environment or community issues recorded by local and regional mining environment monitoring network MiningWatchSEE.

Source; Serbia-Energy.EU Mining News

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